Přípona souboru |
Popis souboru |
Tvůrce/výrobce |
.o |
Compiled Object File |
N/A |
.oab |
Offline Address Book |
N/A |
.oam |
Adobe Edge Animate Widget File |
Adobe Systems |
.oar |
OpenSimulator Archive |
N/A |
.ob! |
Orbit Downloader Incomplete Download |
Orbit Downloader |
.obb |
Android Opaque Binary Blob File |
Google |
.obd |
Office Binder Document |
Microsoft |
.obi |
Outlook RSS Subscription File |
Microsoft |
.obj |
Wavefront 3D Object File |
Wavefront Technologies |
.obml |
Opera Mini Saved Web Page |
Opera Software |
.obp |
Bryce Object File |
DAZ Productions |
.obt |
Openbox Theme File |
Openbox |
.obw |
Superior Drummer Sounds File |
Toontrack |
.obz |
Compressed 3D Object File |
Smith Micro |
.oc3 |
openCanvas 3 Event File |
Portalgraphics |
.oc4 |
openCanvas 4 Event File |
Portalgraphics |
.oc5 |
openCanvas 5 Event File |
Portalgraphics |
.oca |
Custom Control Library Type File |
Microsoft |
.occ |
Oceanic DataPool File |
Oceanic Consulting Corporation |
.ocd |
OCAD Map File |
.oce |
Open Catalog Extension Connection File |
Oracle |
.oci |
openCanvas Image |
Portalgraphics |
.ocr |
FAXGrapper Fax Text File |
Nuance Communications |
.oct |
Radiance Octree File |
Radiance |
.octest |
Xcode Objective-C Unit Test Bundle |
Apple |
.ocx |
ActiveX Control |
Microsoft |
.od |
Mascopt Graph Request File |
.odb |
OpenDocument Database |
.odc |
Office Data Connection File |
Microsoft |
.odf |
OpenDocument Formula |
Oracle |
.odg |
OpenDocument Graphic File |
.odi |
OpenDocument Image |
.odif |
Open Document Interchange Format |
.odl |
Object Description Language File |
Microsoft |
.odm |
OverDrive Media File |
OverDrive |
.odo |
Online Operating System Write Document |
iCUBE Network Solutions |
.odp |
OpenDocument Presentation |
Oracle |
.ods |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
Oracle |
.odt |
OpenDocument Text Document |
Oracle |
.odx |
BizTalk Server Orchestration File |
Microsoft |
.oeaccount |
Windows Mail Account File |
Microsoft |
.oeb |
Outlook Express Backup Wizard File |
.oem |
OEM Setup File |
Microsoft |
.oex |
Opera Extension |
Opera Software |
.ofc |
Open Financial Connectivity File |
Microsoft |
.off |
Object File Format |
N/A |
.ofl |
Ots File List |
Ots Labs |
.ofm |
Melco Embroidery File |
Melco |
.ofr |
OptimFROG Audio File |
OptimFROG |
.oft |
Outlook File Template |
Microsoft |
.ofx |
Open Financial Exchange File |
N/A |
.oga |
Ogg Vorbis Audio File |
Xiph.Org |
.ogf |
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model File |
GSC Game World |
.ogg |
Ogg Vorbis Audio File |
Xiph.Org |
.ogm |
Ogg Media File |
N/A |
.ognc |
Dynamic Web Page |
N/A |
.ogs |
Origons Movie Data File |
Origons |
.ogv |
Ogg Video File |
Xiph.Org |
.ogx |
Ogg Vorbis Multiplexed Media File |
Xiph.Org |
.ogz |
Cube 2 Map File |
Wouter van Oortmerssen |
.okt |
Oktalyzer Module |
N/A |
.ola |
Online Access File |
N/A |
.olb |
OLE Object Library |
Microsoft |
.old |
Backup File |
N/A |
.olk |
Outlook Address Book File |
Microsoft |
.olk14category |
Outlook Category File |
Microsoft |
.olk14contact |
Outlook Contact File |
Microsoft |
.olk14event |
Outlook Calendar Event File |
Microsoft |
.olk14group |
Outlook Group File |
Microsoft |
.olk14mailaccount |
Outlook Mail Account File |
Microsoft |
.olk14message |
Outlook Message File |
Microsoft |
.olk14msgsource |
Outlook Email Message Data File |
Microsoft |
.olk14note |
Outlook Note File |
Microsoft |
.olk14pref |
Outlook Preferences File |
Microsoft |
.olk14signature |
Outlook Signature File |
Microsoft |
.olk14task |
Outlook Task File |
Microsoft |
.olm |
Mac Outlook Database File |
Microsoft |
.olt |
Orbit Downloads List |
Orbit Downloader |
.oma |
Sony OpenMG Music File |
Sony |
.omcs |
Office Manager Access File |
Krekeler |
.omf |
Open Media Framework File |
Avid Technology |
.omg |
OpenMG Audio File |
Sony |
.omo |
OMake Object File |
OMake |
.omod |
Oblivion Mod Archive |
N/A |
.omp |
Office Manager Document Archive |
Krekeler |
.omx |
OtsAV Media Library Information File |
Ots Labs |
.ond |
Lotus Notes Encapsulated Memo File |
.one |
OneNote Document |
Microsoft |
.onepkg |
Microsoft OneNote Package File |
Microsoft |
.onetoc2 |
Microsoft OneNote Table of Contents File |
Microsoft |
.ont |
theWord Bible Text Module |
theWord Bible Software |
.ontx |
theWord Encrypted Bible Text Module |
theWord Bible Software |
.oo3 |
OmniOutliner 3 File |
The Omni Group |
.ook |
Arachne Batch Script |
Arachne |
.opd |
OmniPage Document |
Nuance Communications |
.opdownload |
Opera Partially Downloaded File |
Opera Software |
.openbsd |
OpenBSD Readme File |
N/A |
.opf |
Open Packaging Format File |
.opj |
OrCAD Project File |
Cadence Design Systems |
.oplc |
Nokia Operator Logo File |
Nokia |
.opml |
Outline Processor Markup Language File |
N/A |
.ops |
Office Profile Settings File |
Microsoft |
.opt |
Options File |
N/A |
.options |
SE-SOFT Configuration File |
.opts |
Linux Configuration Options File |
N/A |
.opus |
Opus Audio File |
Xiph.Org |
.opx |
OrgPlus Org Chart |
Insperity Business Services |
.oqy |
Excel OLAP Query File |
Microsoft |
.or2 |
Lotus Organizer 2 File |
.or3 |
IBM Lotus Organizer 97 File |
.or4 |
IBM Lotus Organizer 97 GS File |
.or5 |
Lotus Organizer 5 File |
.or6 |
Lotus Organizer 6 File |
.ora |
Oracle Database Configuration File |
Oracle |
.orc |
Voyetra Digital Orchestrator File |
Voyetra |
.orderedtest |
Visual Studio Ordered Test File |
Microsoft |
.ore |
Ore Executable File |
crait |
.orf |
Olympus RAW File |
Olympus |
.org |
Lotus Organizer File |
N/A |
.ori |
Original File |
N/A |
.orig |
Original File |
N/A |
.ort |
Rich Text Editor Document |
.orv |
Oracom Video File |
Oracom |
.orx |
RadiantOne VDS Database Schema |
Radiant Logic |
.os |
ObjectScript Source File |
ObjectScript |
.osax |
AppleScript Scripting Addition |
Apple |
.osb |
OpenStreetMap Binary Map File |
Merkaartor |
.osc |
OpenStreetMap Change File |
OpenStreetMap |
.osdx |
Search Connector Description File |
Microsoft |
.osk |
Osu! Skin File |
peppy |
.osm |
OpenStreetMap Map File |
OpenStreetMap |
.osp |
OpenShot Project File |
Jonathan Thomas |
.osr |
Osu! Replay File |
peppy |
.oss |
Microsoft Outlook Saved Search File |
Microsoft |
.ost |
Outlook Offline Folder File |
Microsoft |
.osu |
Osu! Script |
peppy |
.osx |
PowerPC Executable File |
N/A |
.osz |
Osu! Beatmap File |
peppy |
.ot |
theWord Old Testament Text Module |
theWord Bible Software |
.ota |
OTA Bitmap Image |
Nokia |
.otb |
Nokia Over The Air Bitmap Image |
Nokia |
.otc |
OpenDocument Chart Template |
.otf |
OpenType Font |
N/A |
.otg |
OpenDocument Graphic Template |
.oth |
OpenDocument HTML Template |
.oti |
OpenDocument Image Template |
.otl |
NoteTab Outline File |
Fookes Software |
.otln |
Opal Outline File |
A Sharp |
.otm |
Outlook Macro File |
Microsoft |
.otp |
OpenDocument Presentation Template |
.otrkey |
OnlineTvRecorder Encoded Video File |
OnlineTvRecorder.com |
.ots |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template |
.ott |
OpenDocument Document Template |
.otx |
theWord Encrypted Old Testament Text Module |
theWord Bible Software |
.otz |
OpenLP Theme File |
OpenLP |
.out |
Output File |
N/A |
.ov2 |
TomTom Points of Interest Database |
TomTom |
.ova |
Open Virtual Appliance |
VMware |
.ove |
Overture Musical Score |
GenieSoft |
.ovf |
Open Virtualization File |
VMware |
.ovl |
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Data File |
Atari |
.ovp |
The Overlay Maker Package File |
The Overlay Maker |
.ovpn |
OpenVPN Configuration File |
OpenVPN Technologies |
.ovr |
The Overlay Maker Overlay File |
The Overlay Maker |
.ovw |
Logic Pro Overview File |
Apple |
.ow |
Free Pascal 1.0.x Object File |
Free Pascal |
.owc |
OutWit Catch Database |
OutWit Technologies |
.owg |
OutWit Gear Database |
OutWit Technologies |
.owl |
OWL Source Code File |
N/A |
.owm |
OutWit XML Mashup File |
OutWit Technologies |
.oxps |
OpenXPS File |
Microsoft |
.oxt |
Apache OpenOffice Extension |
Sun Microsystems |
.oxygene |
Oxygene Project File |
RemObjects |
.oyx |
Approach Alternate Database Index |
N/A |
.oz |
Opera Job Management Compressed File |
Opera Company |