Bestandsextensie |
Bestandsomschrijving |
Maker/Producent |
.c |
C/C++ Source Code File |
N/A |
.c00 |
WinAce Split Archive File |
e-merge |
.c01 |
WinAce Split Archive Part 1 File |
e-merge |
.c02 |
WinAce Split Archive Part 1 File |
e-merge |
.c10 |
WinAce Split Archive Part 10 |
E-merge |
.c2d |
WinOnCD Disc Image |
Roxio |
.c2r |
Windows Media Center Click-To-Record File |
Microsoft |
.c2u |
Texas Instruments CBL 2 OS File |
Texas Instruments |
.c32 |
Syslinux COM32 Module |
Syslinux |
.c3d |
Coordinate 3D File |
N/A |
.c3z |
OpenQwaq 3D Model File |
OpenQwaq |
.c4 |
JEDMICS Image File |
.c4d |
Cinema 4D Model File |
MAXON Computer |
.c4k |
Clonk Key File |
RedWolf Design |
.c4p |
CrossOver Software Installer File |
Codeweavers |
.ca |
Initial Telnet Cache |
N/A |
.caa |
CleanApp Archive |
Synium Software |
.cab |
Windows Cabinet File |
Microsoft |
.cache |
Cache File |
N/A |
.caction |
Automator Converter Action |
Apple |
.cad |
BobCAD-CAM File |
.cadc |
Corpatla Data Container File |
Corpatla |
.caf |
Core Audio File |
Apple |
.caff |
Core Audio File |
Apple |
.cag |
ClipArt Gallery Package |
Microsoft |
.cal |
3ds Max Pose Adjustment File |
Autodesk |
.calb |
Coolect Album File |
Coolect |
.calibre |
Calibre Device Data File |
Calibre |
.cals |
CALS Raster Graphic File |
N/A |
.cam |
Gerber CAM Job File |
N/A |
.camm |
Espresso Mind Map Document |
Corpatla |
.camp |
WCS Color Appearance Model Profile File |
Microsoft |
.camproj |
Camtasia Studio Project |
TechSmith |
.camrec |
Camtasia Studio Screen Recording |
TechSmith |
.camv |
Camtasia Video File |
TechSmith |
.can |
Canon Navigator Fax Document |
Canon |
.cap |
Packet Capture File |
N/A |
.caproj |
Construct Project File |
Scirra |
.capx |
Construct Compressed Project File |
Scirra |
.car |
Car Explorer Data File |
N/A |
.carc |
Nintendo DS Compressed Archive File |
Nintendo |
.cas |
Autodesk Cascade License File |
Autodesk |
.case |
SlipCover Case Template |
Bohemian Coding |
.cat |
Windows Catalog File |
Microsoft |
.catpart |
CATIA V5 Part File |
Dassault Systemes |
.catproduct |
CATIA V5 Assembly File |
Dassault Systemes |
.cav |
Comodo Virus Definitions File |
Comodo Group |
.cawr |
Espresso workreport Document |
Corpatla |
.cb7 |
Comic Book 7-Zip Archive |
N/A |
.cba |
Comic Book ACE Archive |
N/A |
.cbc |
Comic Book Collection |
Calibre |
.cbds |
Comic Book DS File |
Nicom00k |
.cbf |
Calendar Builder File |
Tailwag Software |
.cbg |
ChessBase Game Moves File |
ChessBase |
.cbh |
ChessBase Database Header File |
ChessBase |
.cbk |
Backup Configuration File |
N/A |
.cbl |
COBOL Source Code File |
N/A |
.cbp |
Code::Blocks Project File |
Code::Blocks |
.cbr |
Comic Book RAR Archive |
N/A |
.cbs |
Comodo Backup Script |
Comodo Group |
.cbt |
Comic Book TAR File |
N/A |
.cbu |
Comodo Backup File |
Comodo Group |
.cbv |
ChessBase Database File |
ChessBase |
.cbz |
Comic Book Zip Archive |
N/A |
.cc |
C++ Source Code File |
N/A |
.cca |
Multimedia Fusion File |
Clickteam |
.ccd |
CloneCD Disc Image |
SlySoft |
.ccf |
CryptLoad Container File |
CryptLoad |
.ccgame |
XNA Creators Club Game Package |
Microsoft |
.cch |
.NET Security Resolution Cache File |
Microsoft |
.ccip |
Curse Client Install Package |
Curse |
.ccn |
Compressed Multimedia Fusion File |
Clickteam |
.ccp |
CodeCharge Studio Page File |
YesSoftware |
.ccr |
ASTM Continuity of Care Record |
.ccs |
CodeCharge Studio Project File |
YesSoftware |
.ccscc |
ClearCase Source Control Info File |
.cct |
Director Protected Cast Resource |
Adobe Systems |
.ccx |
Click & Create Extension |
Clickteam |
.cd |
Visual Studio Class Diagram |
Microsoft |
.cda |
CD Audio Track Shortcut |
N/A |
.cdb |
Symbian Phonebook Database |
Nokia |
.cdc |
AutoCAD DesignCenter Preview Cache File |
Autodesk |
.cdd |
ConceptDraw PRO Document |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdda |
CD Digital Audio File |
N/A |
.cddx |
Circuit Diagram Document |
Circuit Diagram |
.cdf |
Computable Document Format File |
Wolfram Research |
.cdf-ms |
ClickOnce Compiled Manifest File |
Microsoft |
.cdg |
Compact Disc Plus Graphics Image |
N/A |
.cdi |
DiscJuggler Disc Image |
Padus |
.cdl |
CADKEY Wireframe Design File |
Kubotek |
.cdlx |
Audition CD Layout File |
Adobe Systems |
.cdm |
NTI CD-Maker Image |
.cdmm |
ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdmp |
WCS Device Model Profile |
Microsoft |
.cdmt |
ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdmtz |
Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdmz |
Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdo |
Crescendo Music Notation File |
NCH Software |
.cdp |
Trainz Simulator Content Dispatcher Pack |
N3V Games |
.cdp2 |
Trainz Classics Content Dispatcher Pack 2 |
N3V Games |
.cdpx |
ConceptDraw PROJECT XML File |
CS Odessa |
.cdpz |
ConceptDraw PROJECT Document |
CS Odessa |
.cdr |
CorelDRAW Image File |
Corel |
.cdt |
CorelDRAW Image Template |
Corel |
.cdw |
KOMPAS Document |
.cdx |
Compound Index File |
Microsoft |
.cdxml |
ChemDraw XML File |
CambridgeSoft |
.cdz |
Compressed CD Image File |
N/A |
.ce |
ComputerEyes Image |
Digital Vision |
.ceb |
Apabi eBook File |
Apabi |
.ced |
JVC Camera Video Data File |
N/A |
.cedprj |
Ashampoo CoverEditor Project |
Ashampoo |
.cef |
CenturionMail Encrypted Package |
CenturionSoft |
.cel |
Affymetrix Probe Results File |
Affymetrix |
.celtx |
Celtx Project File |
Celtx |
.celx |
Celestia Script |
Celestia Development Team |
.cem |
Children of the Nile Model File |
Tilted Mill Entertainment |
.cer |
Internet Security Certificate |
N/A |
.cex |
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM Vault Export File |
Dassault Systemes |
.cf |
Sendmail Configuration File |
N/A |
.cf2 |
Common File Format File |
N/A |
.cfa |
Adobe Conformed Audio File |
Adobe Systems |
.cfc |
ColdFusion Component File |
Adobe Systems |
.cff |
Common File Format |
N/A |
.cfg |
Configuration File |
N/A |
.cfge |
Jewel Quest Configuration File |
iWin |
.cfl |
IMVU Product File |
.cfm |
ColdFusion Markup File |
Adobe Systems |
.cfml |
ColdFusion Markup Language File |
Adobe Systems |
.cfr |
Cross Fire Replay File |
Z8Games |
.cfs |
Compact File Set Archive |
Pismo Technic |
.cfxr |
Cocoa Sfxr File |
cfxr |
.cg |
Cg Program |
.cg3 |
Cabri 3D Document |
.cga |
Crytek Geometry Animation File |
Crytek |
.cgf |
Crytek Geometry Format File |
Ubisoft |
.cgfx |
CgFX Shader File |
.cgi |
Common Gateway Interface Script |
N/A |
.cgm |
Computer Graphics Metafile |
N/A |
.cgp |
PixelCryptor Encrypted File |
CodeGazer |
.cgr |
CATIA Graphical Representation File |
Dassault Systemes |
.cgrp |
Pro Tools Clip Group File |
Avid Technology |
.cgz |
Linux Drivers Archive |
N/A |
.ch3 |
Harvard Graphics DOS Chart File |
Harvard Graphics |
.cha |
IRC Chat Configuration File |
N/A |
.cham |
Compiled HAM File |
Zaplots |
.charset |
Character Set |
N/A |
.chart |
Feedback Chart File |
TurkeyMan |
.chat |
IRC Chat Configuration File |
N/A |
.chc |
HCFR Colorimeter Data File |
HCFR Mag |
.chd |
MAME Hard Disk Image |
The MAME Team |
.chef |
Chef Source Code File |
David Morgan-Mar |
.chesstitanssave-ms |
Microsoft Chess Titans Saved Game |
Microsoft |
.chg |
Windows Net Logon File |
Microsoft |
.chk |
Saved File Fragment |
Microsoft |
.chl |
WinFast PVR2 Channel List |
Leadtek Research |
.chm |
Compiled HTML Help File |
Microsoft |
.chml |
Chameleon Encrypted Database File |
Krasbit Technologies |
.chn |
Ethnograph Data |
Qualis Research Associates |
.chord |
Song Chords File |
N/A |
.chr |
3ds Max Characters File |
Autodesk |
.chrparams |
CryENGINE Character Parameters File |
Crytek |
.chs |
Windows Chinese Noise-Word List File |
Microsoft |
.cht |
SNES Cheat File |
N/A |
.chunk001 |
File Splitter Split Archive Part 1 | |
.chv |
ChView Interactive Star Map File |
ChGroup |
.chw |
Compiled Help Index File |
Microsoft |
.chx |
AutoCAD Standards Check File |
Autodesk |
.ci |
Windows Content Indexer Catalog File |
Microsoft |
.cidb |
iTunes CD Information File |
Apple |
.cif |
Easy CD Creator Disk Image |
Corel |
.cil |
Clip Gallery Packaged File |
Microsoft |
.cimg |
CImg Image File |
CImg |
.cin |
Kodak Cineon Bitmap File |
Kodak |
.cine |
Phantom Digital Video File |
Vision Research |
.cip |
Cavena Subtitles File |
Cavena |
.circuit |
KTechlab Circuit Design File |
KTechlab |
.cit |
Intergraph Bitmap Image File |
Intergraph |
.civ5save |
Civilization 5 Saved Gae |
Take-Two Interactive Software |
.ckb |
Cricket Audio Bank File |
Cricket Technology |
.ckbx |
Cricket Audio XML Bank Description File |
Cricket Technology |
.ckd |
Kubotek Design Container |
Kubotek |
.ckf |
Casio Keyboard File |
Casio |
.ckp |
SQL Server Checkpoint File |
Microsoft |
.ckt |
CircuitMaker File |
Altium |
.cl |
Cursor Library |
Aha-Soft |
.cl2 |
HY-TEK Meet Results File |
HY-TEK Sports Software |
.cl2arc |
Comic Life 2 Document Archive |
Plasq |
.cl2doc |
Comic Life 2 Document |
Plasq |
.cl2lyt |
Comic Life 2 Layout File |
Plasq |
.cl2tpl |
Comic Life 2 Template |
Plasq |
.cl4 |
Easy CD Creator 4 Project File |
Sonic Solutions |
.cl5 |
Easy CD Creator 5 Saved Project |
Roxio |
.clarify |
Clarify Document |
Blue Mango Learning Systems |
.class |
Java Class File |
Oracle |
.classlist |
SMART Notebook Class List File |
SMART Technologies |
.clb |
COM+ Catalog File |
Microsoft |
.cld |
Canon CD Label Template |
Canon |
.cleo |
CLEO Grand Theft Auto Mod File |
.clg |
Windows Catalog File |
Microsoft |
.clips |
Coda Clips File |
Panic |
.clix |
CLIX Command File |
Rixstep |
.clk |
Corel R.A.V.E Project File |
Corel |
.clkk |
Clicker Keyboard |
Crick Software |
.clkt |
Clicker Template |
Crick Software |
.clkw |
Clicker Word Bank |
Crick Software |
.clkx |
Clicker Grid Set |
Crick Software |
.clm |
MagicJack Call Log File |
.clp |
CrazyTalk Clip File |
Reallusion |
.clpi |
Blu-ray Clip Information File |
Blu-ray Disc Association |
.clr |
Flash Color Set |
Adobe Systems |
.cls |
LaTeX Document Class File |
N/A |
.clt |
Clarity Legal Transcript File |
Clarity Legal |
.clw |
Visual C++ ClassWizard File |
Microsoft |
.clx |
Standard Dictionary File |
Adobe Systems |
.cm |
CLEO Custom Mission |
Rockstar Games |
.cm10 |
CaseMap 10 Case File |
LexisNexis |
.cm2 |
Poser Camera Set File |
Smith Micro |
.cma |
TM1 Exported Cube File |
.cmap |
CmapTools Concept Map File |
.cmbl |
Logger Pro Data File |
Vernier Software & Technology |
.cmd |
Windows Command File |
Microsoft |
.cme |
Crazy Machines Experiment File |
Viva Media |
.cmf |
Cal3D Binary Mesh File |
Cal3D |
.cml |
Chemical Markup Language File |
N/A |
.cmm |
Corel Multimedia Manager Album |
Corel |
.cmmp |
Camtasia MenuMaker Project |
TechSmith |
.cmmtheme |
CleanMyMac Theme File |
MacPaw |
.cmmtpl |
Camtasia MenuMaker Template |
TechSmith |
.cmod |
Celestia Model |
Celestia Development Team |
.cmp |
HotDocs Clause Component File |
HotDocs |
.cmproj |
Camtasia Project File |
TechSmith |
.cmrec |
Camtasia Recording |
TechSmith |
.cms |
Connection Manager Service Profile |
Microsoft |
.cmx |
Corel Metafile Exchange Image File |
Corel |
.cmz |
Compressed Poser Camera Set File |
Smith Micro |
.cn1 |
CNR Modem Initialization Data File |
.cna |
Catena Project File |
OpEx Software |
.cnc |
PartMaster CNC File |
Dolphin Cad Cam |
.cnd |
Melco Condensed Embroidery File |
Melco |
.cndx |
Avery DesignPro for Mac Label File |
Avery |
.cnf |
MySQL Configuration File |
.cng |
CryptoNG Encrypted Archive |
Vassil Arabadjiev |
.cnm |
NoteMap Outline File |
LexisNexis |
.cns |
M.U.G.E.N. Character States File |
Elecbyte |
.cnt |
Help Contents File |
Microsoft |
.cnv |
Canvas 6-8 Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cob |
COBOL Source Code File |
N/A |
.cod |
Compiled Source Code |
N/A |
.codaplugin |
Coda Plug-in |
Panic |
.codasite |
Coda Site File |
Panic |
.cof |
Microchip Technology |
.coffee |
CoffeeScript JavaScript File |
N/A |
.col |
Capture One Session File |
Phase One |
.collection |
Adobe Bridge Collection File |
Adobe Systems |
.colorpicker |
Color Picker Plugin |
Apple |
.colz |
Adobe Collage File |
Adobe Systems |
.com |
DOS Command File |
Microsoft |
.comfycakessave-ms |
Comfy Cakes Saved Game |
Microsoft |
.comicdoc |
Comic Life Document |
Plasq |
.command |
Terminal Command File |
Apple |
.component |
Mac OS X System Component |
N/A |
.compositefont |
Windows Composite Font File |
Microsoft |
.compressed |
WordCompress Compacted Web File |
WordCompress |
.con |
Concept Application Source File |
RadGs |
.conf |
Unix Configuration File |
N/A |
.config |
Configuration File |
N/A |
.configprofile |
Apple Configuration Profile |
Apple |
.conform |
Conformalizer Change List File |
Maggot Software |
.contact |
Windows Contact File |
Microsoft |
.contour |
Contour Screenplay File |
Mariner Software |
.controls |
OpenBVE Keyboard Shortcuts File |
OpenBVE |
.copreset |
Capture One Preset File |
Phase One |
.copy |
Sony Ericsson Protected Content File |
N/A |
.cor |
CorelDRAW Drawing |
Corel |
.cos |
Capture One Settings File |
Phase One |
.cos2 |
Pinnacle Studio Cache File |
Pinnacle Systems |
.costyle |
Capture One Style File |
Phase One |
.cov |
Fax Cover Page File |
Microsoft |
.cox |
Click & Create Extension |
Clickteam |
.cp |
Xcode C++ Source File |
Apple |
.cp3 |
Grand Prix 3 Cockpit Shape File |
Microprose |
.cp9 |
ChoicePoint Encrypted File |
N/A |
.cpa |
CADSTAR PCB Archive File |
Zuken |
.cpb |
Comicino Studio Project File |
Comicino Media |
.cpbitmap |
iOS Wallpaper Image |
Apple |
.cpc |
CPC Compressed Image File |
Cartesian Products |
.cpd |
RoboHelp Cache Project Database |
Adobe Systems |
.cpe |
Fax Cover Page File |
Microsoft |
.cpf |
Cognos Project File |
.cpg |
Manga Studio Page File |
Smith Micro |
.cpgz |
Compressed CPIO Archive |
N/A |
.cph |
Corel Print House File |
Corel |
.cpi |
AVCHD Video Clip Information File |
Sony |
.cpio |
Unix CPIO Archive |
N/A |
.cpk |
DTM Test Log File |
Microsoft |
.cpl |
Windows Control Panel Item |
Microsoft |
.cpmz |
Miradi/ConPro Project File |
Benetech |
.cpn |
Age of Mythology Campaign File |
Microsoft |
.cpp |
C++ Source Code File |
N/A |
.cpq |
Compaq OEM Disc Configuration File |
Compaq |
.cpr |
Cubase Project |
Steinberg Media Technologies |
.cps |
Corel Photo House File |
Corel |
.cpt |
Corel Photo-Paint Document |
Corel |
.cptl |
Adobe Captivate Project Template File |
Adobe Systems |
.cptx |
Adobe Captivate Project File |
Adobe Systems |
.cpx |
Oracle ADF Binding Context File |
Oracle |
.cpy |
3ds Max Copy Track File |
Autodesk |
.cr2 |
Canon Raw Image File |
Canon |
.craft |
KSP Spacecraft File |
Squad |
.crash |
Mac OS X Crash Log File |
Apple |
.crashed |
AbiWord Crash-Saved Document |
AbiSource |
.crc |
Total Commander Checksum File |
Ghisler Software |
.crd |
Windows CardSpace File |
Microsoft |
.crdownload |
Chrome Partially Downloaded File |
Google |
.crds |
Windows CardSpace Backup File |
Microsoft |
.crev |
Adobe Captivate Commentable SWF File |
Adobe Systems |
.crf |
Cal3D Binary Materials File |
Cal3D |
.crl |
Certificate Revocation List File |
N/A |
.crs |
StepMania Course File |
StepMania |
.crt |
Security Certificate |
N/A |
.crtr |
MultiAd Creator Pro Document |
MultiAd |
.crtx |
Office 2007 Chart Template File |
Microsoft |
.crv |
VCarve Pro Design File |
Vectric |
.crw |
Canon Raw CIFF Image File |
Canon |
.crwl |
Windows Crawl File |
Microsoft |
.crx |
Chrome Extension |
Google |
.cry |
CryENGINE Map File |
Crytek |
.crypted |
WinOptimizer Encrypted File |
Ashampoo |
.cryptra |
Cryptra Encrypted File |
BMB Software |
.crysisjmsf |
Crysis Saved Game |
Crytek |
.crysispsf |
Crysis Warhead Saved Game |
Crytek |
.crz |
Compressed Poser Character Rigging File |
Smith Micro |
.cs |
Visual C# Source Code File |
Microsoft |
.csa |
PNA Code Calset File |
Agilent |
.csaplan |
SPSS Analysis Plan File |
.csd |
Compact Shared Document |
Dream To Reality |
.csf |
Content Sealed Format |
Informative Graphics |
.csh |
Photoshop Custom Shapes File |
Adobe Systems |
.cshtml |
ASP.NET Razor Web Page |
Microsoft |
.csi |
ContentServ Include File |
ContentServ |
.cskin |
CD Art Display Skin File |
CD Art Display |
.csl |
CineStyle Color Lookup File |
Technicolor |
.csm |
Character Studio Marker File |
Autodesk |
.csn |
Adobe Code Snippet Document |
Adobe Systems |
.cso |
Compressed ISO Disk Image |
N/A |
.csp |
Caché Server Page |
InterSystems |
.csplan |
SPSS Sampling Plan File |
.csproj |
Visual Studio C# Project |
Microsoft |
.csr |
Certificate Signing Request File |
N/A |
.css |
Cascading Style Sheet |
N/A |
.cst |
Manga Studio Story File |
Smith Micro |
.csv |
Comma Separated Values File |
N/A |
.csx |
Visual C# Script |
Microsoft |
.csy |
Canvas Symbol File |
ACD Systems |
.ct |
Cheat Engine Cheat Table |
Cheat Engine |
.ctb |
AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style File |
Autodesk |
.ctbodyfitting |
CrazyTalk Animator Actor Fitting File |
Reallusion |
.ctf |
AVG Update Control File |
AVG Technologies |
.ctg |
Canon Digital Camera Catalog File |
Canon |
.ctl |
Visual Basic UserControl Object File |
Microsoft |
.ctm |
CrazyTalk Model File |
Reallusion |
.ctp |
CakePHP Template |
Cake Software Foundation |
.ctproject |
CrazyTalk Animator Project File |
Reallusion |
.cts |
CrazyTalk Script File |
Reallusion |
.ctt |
Messenger Contact List |
Microsoft |
.ctv |
Citavi Project |
Swiss Academic Software |
.ctv3 |
Citavi 3 Project File |
Swiss Academic Software |
.ctx |
Valve ICE Encoded Script |
Valve |
.ctxt |
BlueJ Context File |
University of Kent |
.cty |
SimCity City File |
Maxis |
.cu |
CUDA Source Code File |
.cub |
Analysis Services Cube File |
Microsoft |
.cue |
Cue Sheet File |
N/A |
.cui |
Autodesk Custom Workspace File |
Autodesk |
.cuix |
AutoCAD Custom User Interface File |
Autodesk |
.cul |
Windows Cursor Library |
N/A |
.cur |
Windows Cursor |
N/A |
.cursorfx |
CursorFX Theme File |
Stardock |
.curxptheme |
CursorXP Theme File |
Stardock |
.cus |
AutoCAD Custom Dictionary File |
Autodesk |
.cut |
Dr. Halo Bitmap Image File |
N/A |
.cv5 |
Canvas 5 Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cva |
HP Systems Software Manager Information File |
Hewlett-Packard |
.cvc |
cVideo |
N/A |
.cvd |
ClamAV Virus Definitions File |
Sourcefire |
.cvf |
CPU-Z Validation File |
.cvg |
Calamus Vector Graphic File |
invers |
.cvi |
Canvas Image File |
ACD Systems |
.cvn |
CineVision Encoding Session |
Sonic Solutions |
.cvr |
Microsoft Crash Report File |
Microsoft |
.cvs |
Canvas 3 Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cvt |
Canvas External Tool File |
ACD Systems |
.cvw |
CaseView Document |
CaseWare |
.cvx |
Canvas Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cw |
CardWorks Template |
NCH Software |
.cwb |
Cakewalk Bundle |
Cakewalk |
.cwf |
CorelDRAW Workspace File |
Corel |
.cwk |
ClarisWorks Document |
Apple |
.cwp |
Cakewalk SONAR Project |
Cakewalk |
.cws |
Claris Works Template |
Apple |
.cwt |
ClarisWorks Texture File |
ClarisWorks |
.cww |
Crossword Weaver Puzzle File |
Variety Games |
.cwz |
Circuit Wizard File |
New Wave Concepts |
.cx3 |
CMS Recorded Video File |
IDView |
.cxd |
SimplePCI Data Document |
Hamamatsu Photonics |
.cxf |
Picasa Collage File |
Google |
.cxp |
CX-Programmer Project File |
.cxt |
Director Protected Cast File |
Adobe Systems |
.cxx |
C++ Source Code File |
N/A |
.cyberducklicense |
Cyberduck Donation Key |
Cyberduck |
.cyberduckprofile |
Cyberduck Connection Profile |
Cyberduck |
.cyi |
Clustify Input File |
Hot Neuron |
.cyo |
Clustify Output File |
Hot Neuron |
.cyp |
Home Designer Pro Project File |
Chief Architect |
.cys |
Cytoscape Session File |
Cytoscape |
.cyw |
Rbot.CYW Worm File |
N/A |
.czd |
CAD Zone Drawing |
The CAD Zone |
.czi |
Carl Zeiss Image Data File |
Carl Zeiss |
.czip |
ZipGenius CryptoZip File |
WinInizio Software |
.czp |
ClozePro Archive |
Crick Software |