ファイル拡張子 |
ファイルの説明 |
製作者/作成者 |
.abc |
Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 6 File |
iGrafx |
.ac5 |
ArtCut 5 Document |
Wentai |
.ac6 |
ArtCut 6 Document |
Wentai |
.af2 |
Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 2 File |
iGrafx |
.af3 |
Micrografx ABC FlowCharter 3/4 File |
iGrafx |
.ai |
Adobe Illustrator File |
Adobe Systems |
.art |
Art Document |
N/A |
.artb |
Artboard Document |
Mapdiva |
.asy |
Asymptote Module |
Asymptote |
.awg |
Ability Draw Document |
Ability Plus Software |
.cag |
ClipArt Gallery Package |
Microsoft |
.ccx |
Corel Clipart File |
Corel |
.cdd |
ConceptDraw PRO Document |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdmm |
ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdmt |
ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdmtz |
Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Template |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdmz |
Compressed ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdr |
CorelDRAW Image File |
Corel |
.cdt |
ConceptDraw PRO Template |
Computer Systems Odessa |
.cdx |
CorelDRAW Compressed File |
Corel |
.cgm |
Computer Graphics Metafile |
N/A |
.cil |
Clip Gallery Packaged File |
Microsoft |
.clarify |
Clarify Document |
Blue Mango Learning Systems |
.cmx |
Corel Metafile Exchange Image File |
Corel |
.cnv |
Canvas 6-8 Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cor |
CorelDRAW Drawing |
Corel |
.csy |
Canvas Symbol File |
ACD Systems |
.cv5 |
Canvas 5 Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cvg |
Calamus Vector Graphic File |
invers |
.cvi |
Canvas Image File |
ACD Systems |
.cvs |
Canvas 3 Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cvx |
Canvas Drawing File |
ACD Systems |
.cwt |
ClarisWorks Texture File |
ClarisWorks |
.cxf |
Coordinates Export Format |
HeightMap.org |
.dcs |
Desktop Color Separation File |
Quark Software |
.ddrw |
ClarisDraw Drawing |
Apple |
.ded |
Dr. Engrave Document |
Roland |
.design |
Microsoft Expression Design Drawing |
Microsoft |
.dhs |
HyperSnap Drawing |
Hyperionics |
.dia |
Dia Diagram File |
Dia |
.dpp |
DrawPlus Drawing File |
Serif |
.dpr |
Digital InterPlot File |
Bentley Systems |
.dpx |
DrawPlus Template |
Serif |
.drawing |
Artboard Drawing |
Mapdiva |
.drawit |
DrawIt Drawing |
Bohemian Coding |
.drw |
Drawing File |
N/A |
.dsf |
Designer File |
Corel |
.dxb |
Drawing Exchange Binary |
Autodesk |
.egc |
EximiousSoft GIF Creator Document |
EximiousSoft |
.emf |
Enhanced Windows Metafile |
Microsoft |
.emz |
Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile |
Microsoft |
.ep |
Pencil Document |
Evolus |
.eps |
Encapsulated PostScript File |
Adobe Systems |
.epsf |
Encapsulated PostScript Format File |
Adobe Systems |
.ezdraw |
EazyDraw Graphic |
Dekorra Optics |
.fh10 |
FreeHand 10 Drawing File |
Adobe Systems |
.fh11 |
FreeHand 11 Drawing File |
Adobe Systems |
.fh7 |
FreeHand 7 Drawing File |
Adobe Systems |
.fh8 |
FreeHand 8 Drawing File |
Adobe Systems |
.fh9 |
FreeHand 9 Drawing File |
Adobe Systems |
.fhd |
FreeHand Drawing File |
Adobe Systems |
.fif |
Fractal Image File |
Interwoven Systems |
.fig |
Xfig Drawing |
Xfig |
.fmv |
Frame Vector Metafile |
N/A |
.fs |
FlexiSIGN Document |
SA International |
.ft10 |
FreeHand 10 Drawing Template |
Adobe Systems |
.ft11 |
FreeHand 11 Drawing Template |
Adobe Systems |
.ft7 |
FreeHand 7 Drawing Template |
Adobe Systems |
.ft8 |
FreeHand 8 Template |
Adobe Systems |
.ft9 |
FreeHand 9 Drawing Template |
Adobe Systems |
.ftn |
Flowton Diagram File |
Flowton |
.fxg |
Flash XML Graphics File |
Adobe Systems |
.gdraw |
Google Drive Drawing |
Google |
.gem |
GEM Metafile |
.gks |
Graphics Kernel System File |
International Organization for Standardization |
.glox |
Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout File |
Microsoft |
.gls |
Sothink SWF Easy Shape File |
SourceTec Software |
.graffle |
OmniGraffle Drawing |
The Omni Group |
.gsd |
Graphtec Vector Graphics File |
Graphtec |
.gstencil |
OmniGraffle Stencil |
The Omni Group |
.gtemplate |
OmniGraffle Template |
The Omni Group |
.hgl |
HP Graphics Language File |
Hewlett-Packard |
.hpg |
HPGL Plot File |
Hewlett-Packard |
.hpgl |
HP Graphics Language Plotter File |
Hewlett-Packard |
.hpl |
HP-GL Plotter File |
Hewlett-Packard |
.idea |
Adobe Ideas Document |
Adobe Systems |
.igt |
iGrafx Document Template |
iGrafx |
.igx |
iGrafx Document |
iGrafx |
.imd |
Microsoft VisioModeler File |
Microsoft |
.ink |
InkML Image |
W3C |
.lmk |
Sothink Logo Maker Image |
SourceTec Software |
.mgc |
Microsoft Clip Organizer Media Catalog |
Microsoft |
.mgcb |
Equation Illustrator Project File |
MGCSoft |
.mgmf |
MindGenius Map File |
MindGenius |
.mgmt |
MindGenius 2-3 Template |
MindGenius |
.mgmx |
MindGenius XML Map File |
MindGenius |
.mgs |
MGCSoft Vector Shapes File |
MGCSoft |
.mgtx |
MindGenius XML Template File |
MindGenius |
.mmat |
MindManager Map Template |
Mindjet |
.mp |
LaTeX MetaPost File |
N/A |
.nap |
NAP Metafile |
N/A |
.odg |
OpenDocument Graphic File |
.otg |
OpenDocument Graphic Template |
.ovp |
The Overlay Maker Package File |
The Overlay Maker |
.ovr |
The Overlay Maker Overlay File |
The Overlay Maker |
.pat |
CorelDRAW Pattern File |
Corel |
.pcs |
Microsoft Office ClipArt File |
Microsoft |
.pd |
FlexiSIGN 5 Plotter Document |
SA International |
.pen |
Logitech io2 Drawing |
Logitech |
.pfd |
Micrografx Optima! File |
iGrafx |
.pfv |
PhotoFiltre Studio Vectorial Path |
Antonio Da Cruz |
.pl |
Unix Color Plot File |
.plt |
AutoCAD Plotter Document |
N/A |
.pmg |
PageMaker Group File |
Adobe Systems |
.pobj |
Photo Pos Pro Vector Object File |
Power Of Software |
.ps |
PostScript File |
Adobe Systems |
.psid |
PostScript Image Data File |
Adobe Systems |
.pws |
Print Workshop Image |
ValuSoft |
.rdl |
MicroStation Redline File |
Bentley Systems |
.scv |
ScanVec CASmate Sign File |
ScanVec |
.sda |
StarOffice Drawing |
Oracle |
.sk1 |
sK1 Vector Graphic File |
sK1 Project |
.sk2 |
ChemSketch Drawing |
Advanced Chemistry Development |
.sketch |
Sketch Drawing |
Bohemian Coding |
.slddrt |
SolidWorks Sheet File |
Dassault Systemes |
.smf |
Serif Metafile |
Serif |
.std |
Apache OpenOffice Drawing Template |
Oracle |
.svf |
Simple Vector Format Graphic |
SoftSource |
.svg |
Scalable Vector Graphics File |
Adobe Systems |
.svgz |
Compressed SVG File |
Adobe Systems |
.sxd |
StarOffice Drawing |
Oracle |
.tlc |
The Logo Creator File |
Laughingbird Software |
.tne |
Manga Studio Tone File |
Smith Micro |
.tpl |
Canvas Template |
ACD Systems |
.ufr |
Ultra Fractal File |
Frederik Slijkerman |
.vbr |
GIMP Parametric Brush File |
.vec |
CX-Designer Shape File |
.vml |
Vector Markup Language File |
Microsoft |
.vsd |
Visio Drawing File |
Microsoft |
.vsdm |
Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing |
Microsoft |
.vsdx |
Visio Drawing |
Microsoft |
.vst |
Visio Drawing Template |
Microsoft |
.vstm |
Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing Template |
Microsoft |
.vstx |
Visio Drawing Template |
Microsoft |
.wmf |
Windows Metafile |
Microsoft |
.wmz |
Compressed Windows Metafile |
Microsoft |
.wpg |
WordPerfect Graphic File |
Corel |
.xar |
Xara Xtreme Drawing |
.xmind |
XMind Workbook File |
XMind |
.xmmap |
MindManager XML Map File |
Mindjet |
.xpr |
Microsoft Expression Design Graphic |
Microsoft |
.yal |
Arts & Letters Clipart Library |
Arts and Letters |
.zgm |
Zenographics Image File |
Zenographics |