ファイル拡張子 |
ファイルの説明 |
製作者/作成者 |
.$er |
GroupWise Database |
N/A |
.4dd |
4th Dimension Database Data File |
4D |
.4dl |
4th Dimension Database Log File |
4D |
.abs |
Absolute Database File |
ComponentAce |
.accdb |
Access 2007 Database File |
Microsoft |
.accdc |
Microsoft Access Signed Package |
Microsoft |
.accde |
Access Execute Only Database |
Microsoft |
.accdr |
Access Runtime Application |
Microsoft |
.accdt |
Microsoft Access Database Template |
Microsoft |
.accdw |
Microsoft Access Database Link File |
Microsoft |
.accft |
Microsoft Access Data Type Template |
Microsoft |
.adb |
Alpha Five Database File |
Alpha Software |
.ade |
Access Project Extension |
Microsoft |
.adf |
ACT! Data File |
The Sage Group |
.adn |
Access Blank Project Template |
Microsoft |
.adp |
Access Project |
Microsoft |
.alf |
ACT! Lookup File |
The Sage Group |
.ask |
askSam Database |
askSam Systems |
.btr |
Btrieve Database File |
Pervasive Software |
.cat |
Advanced Disk Catalog Database |
Elcomsoft |
.cdb |
Symbian Phonebook Database |
Nokia |
.ckp |
SQL Server Checkpoint File |
Microsoft |
.cma |
TM1 Exported Cube File |
.cpd |
RoboHelp Cache Project Database |
Adobe Systems |
.daconnections |
RemObjects Data Abstract Connections File |
RemObjects |
.dacpac |
SQL Server Data Tier Application Package |
Microsoft |
.dad |
RemObjects Data Abstract Driver File |
RemObjects |
.dadiagrams |
RemObjects Data Abstract Data Diagrams File |
RemObjects |
.daschema |
RemObjects Data Abstract Schema File |
RemObjects |
.db |
Database File |
N/A |
.db-shm |
SQLite Database Shared Memory File |
SQLite |
.db-wal |
SQLite Database Write-Ahead Log File |
SQLite |
.db2 |
dBASE II Database |
dataBased Intelligence |
.db3 |
SQLite Database File |
SQLite |
.dbc |
FoxPro Database |
N/A |
.dbf |
Database File |
.dbs |
SQLBase Database File |
Unify |
.dbt |
Database Text File |
.dbv |
Database Variable Field |
N/A |
.dbx |
Visual FoxPro Table |
Microsoft |
.dcb |
Concordance Database File |
LexisNexis |
.dct |
FoxPro Database Memo |
N/A |
.dcx |
FoxPro Database Index |
N/A |
.ddl |
Data Definition Language File |
N/A |
.dp1 |
DataPower Database File |
Logotron |
.dqy |
Excel Query File |
Microsoft |
.dsk |
Simple IDs Database |
N/A |
.dsn |
Database Source Name File |
N/A |
.dtsx |
DTS Settings File |
Microsoft |
.dxl |
Domino XML Language File |
.eco |
ECCO Database File |
NetManage |
.ecx |
ECCO Corrupted Database File |
NetManage |
.edb |
Exchange Information Store Database |
Microsoft |
.fcd |
First Choice Database |
N/A |
.fdb |
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Database File |
Microsoft |
.fic |
WinDev Hyper File Database |
.fm5 |
FileMaker 5 Database |
FileMaker |
.fmp |
FileMaker Pro Database |
FileMaker |
.fmp12 |
FileMaker Pro 12 Database |
FileMaker |
.fmpsl |
FileMaker Pro 12 Snapshot Link |
FileMaker |
.fol |
PFS First Choice Database File |
SoftKey |
.fp3 |
FileMaker Pro 3 Database |
FileMaker |
.fp4 |
FileMaker Pro 4 Database |
FileMaker |
.fp5 |
FileMaker Pro 5 Database |
FileMaker |
.fp7 |
FileMaker Pro 7+ Database |
FileMaker |
.fpt |
FileMaker Pro Database Memo File |
FileMaker |
.frm |
MySQL Database Format File |
.gdb |
InterBase Database File |
Borland |
.gwi |
GroupWise Database Shortcut File |
Novell |
.hdb |
HansaWorld Database File |
HansaWorld |
.his |
FindinSite Database Definition File |
.ib |
InterBase Database |
Embarcadero Technologies |
.idb |
IDA Database File |
Hex-Rays |
.ihx |
IN-HEH Timeline Database |
.itdb |
iTunes Database File |
Apple |
.itw |
InTouch With Database File |
Prairie Group |
.jtx |
ESE Transaction Log |
Microsoft |
.kdb |
Keypass Database File |
KeePass Password Safe |
.kexi |
Kexi Database |
Kexi Team |
.kexic |
Kexi Database Connection File |
Kexi Team |
.kexis |
Kexi Database Shortcut File |
Kexi Team |
.lgc |
SimpleK Database File |
Prosystech |
.maf |
Microsoft Access Form |
Microsoft |
.maq |
Microsoft Access Query |
Microsoft |
.mar |
Microsoft Access Report |
Microsoft |
.marshal |
Marshal Data Migration Model File |
RISE to Bloome Software |
.mas |
Access Stored Procedures |
N/A |
.mav |
Access View File |
Microsoft |
.maw |
Access Data Access Page |
Microsoft |
.mdb |
Microsoft Access Database |
Microsoft |
.mdbhtml |
Microsoft Access Database HTML File |
Microsoft |
.mdf |
SQL Server Database File |
Microsoft |
.mdn |
Blank Access Database Template |
N/A |
.mdt |
GeoMedia Access Database Template |
Intergraph |
.mpd |
Microsoft Project Database |
Microsoft |
.mrg |
MySQL Merge File |
.mud |
Textease Multi User Database |
Lightbox Education |
.mwb |
MySQL Workbench Document |
.myd |
MySQL Database Data File |
.ndf |
SQL Server Secondary Database File |
Microsoft |
.ns2 |
Lotus Notes 2 Database |
.ns3 |
Lotus Notes 3 Database |
.ns4 |
Lotus Notes 4 Database |
.nsf |
Lotus Notes Database |
.nv |
NewViews Database File |
Q.W. Page Associates |
.nv2 |
NewViews 2 Database File |
Q.W. Page Associates |
.nyf |
myBase Database File |
Wjj Software |
.odb |
OpenDocument Database |
.oqy |
Excel OLAP Query File |
Microsoft |
.ora |
Oracle Database Configuration File |
Oracle |
.orx |
RadiantOne VDS Database Schema |
Radiant Logic |
.owc |
OutWit Catch Database |
OutWit Technologies |
.p96 |
Win96 Database File |
N/A |
.p97 |
Win97 Database File |
N/A |
.pan |
Panorama Database File |
ProVUE Development |
.pdb |
Program Database |
N/A |
.pdm |
PowerDesigner Database File |
Sybase |
.pnz |
Panorama Database Set |
ProVUE Development |
.qry |
Query File |
N/A |
.qvd |
QlikView Data File |
QlikTech International |
.rbf |
Redatam Binary File |
.rod |
RIB office Database File |
RIB Software |
.rpd |
RIB Project Database File |
RIB Software |
.rsd |
RealSQLDatabase File |
.sbf |
Superbase Database File |
Superbase Developers |
.scx |
FoxPro Form |
N/A |
.sdb |
ServerBoss Database File |
Integrated Data Processing |
.sdf |
SQL Server Compact Database File |
Microsoft |
.sis |
Sisma Database File |
Digital Conference |
.spq |
SPSS Database Query File |
.sql |
Structured Query Language Data File |
N/A |
.sqlite |
SQLite Database File |
SQLite |
.sqlite3 |
SQLite 3 Database File |
SQLite |
.sqlitedb |
SQLite Database |
SQLite |
.te |
Textease CT Database File |
Lightbox Education |
.teacher |
SMART Response Teacher Database File |
SMART Technologies |
.tmd |
MySQL Temporary Database File |
Oracle |
.tps |
Clarion TopSpeed Data File |
Clarion |
.trc |
Oracle Trace File |
Oracle |
.trm |
Oracle Trace Map File |
Oracle |
.udb |
Dynamics AX User Database File |
Microsoft |
.udl |
Microsoft Universal Data Link File |
Microsoft |
.usr |
FileMaker Pro Database File |
FileMaker |
.v12 |
All The Right Type Database File |
Ingenuity Works |
.vis |
Visual Importer Script |
DB Software Laboratory |
.wdb |
Microsoft Works Database |
Microsoft |
.wmdb |
Windows Media Database File |
Microsoft |
.wrk |
SQL Server Log Shipping File |
Microsoft |
.xdb |
PowerDesigner Database Definition File |
Sybase |
.xld |
Excel Database File |
Microsoft |
.^^^ |
Pervasive.SQL Database File |
Pervasive Software |