Fájlkiterjesztés |
Fájl leírása |
Készítő/Gyártó |
.2sf |
Nintendo DS Sound File |
N/A |
.2sflib |
Nintendo DS Audio Library File |
N/A |
.3ga |
3GPP Audio File |
3GPP |
.4mp |
4-MP3 Database File |
4-MP3 |
.669 |
UNIS Composer 669 Module |
N/A |
.6cm |
Six Channel Module |
Starbreeze Studios |
.8cm |
Eight Channel Module |
Starbreeze Studios |
.8med |
Amiga OctaMed Music File |
N/A |
.8svx |
Amiga 8-Bit Sound File |
N/A |
.a2b |
Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank |
Adlib |
.a2i |
Adlib Tracker II Instrument File |
Adlib |
.a2m |
Adlib Tracker II File |
Adlib |
.a2p |
Adlib Tracker II Pattern File |
Adlib |
.a2t |
Adlib Tracker II Tiny Module File |
Adlib |
.a2w |
Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank with Macros |
Adlib |
.a52 |
Dolby Digital Audio File |
Dolby Laboratories |
.aa |
Audible Audio Book File |
Audible |
.aa3 |
ATRAC Audio File |
Sony |
.aac |
Advanced Audio Coding File |
N/A |
.aax |
Audible Enhanced Audiobook File |
Audible |
.ab |
Ambling BookPlayer MP3 File |
Ambling Books |
.abc |
ABC Music Notation |
N/A |
.abm |
Music Album |
N/A |
.ac3 |
Audio Codec 3 File |
N/A |
.acd |
ACID Project File |
Sony |
.acd-bak |
Sony ACID Project Backup File |
Sony |
.acd-zip |
Sony ACID Project With Embedded Media File |
Sony |
.acm |
Interplay Audio File |
BioWare |
.acp |
aacPlus Audio File |
International Standards Organization |
.act |
ADPCM Compressed Audio File |
N/A |
.adg |
Ableton Device Group |
Ableton |
.adt |
ADTS Audio File |
N/A |
.adts |
Audio Data Transport Stream File |
N/A |
.adv |
Ableton Device Preset File |
Ableton |
.afc |
Mass Effect 2 Audio File |
Electronic Arts |
.agm |
DTS Multi-channel Pro Packer File |
.agr |
Ableton Groove File |
Ableton |
.ahx |
WinAHX Tracker Module |
N/A |
.aif |
Audio Interchange File Format |
Apple |
.aifc |
Compressed Audio Interchange File |
N/A |
.aiff |
Audio Interchange File Format |
Apple |
.aimppl |
AIMP Playlist File |
AIMP DevTeam |
.ais |
Velvet Studio Instrument |
N/A |
.akp |
Akai Sampler File |
N/A |
.al |
A-Law Compressed Sound Format |
N/A |
.alac |
ALAC Encoded Audio File |
Apple |
.alaw |
A-Law Compressed Sound Format |
N/A |
.alc |
Ableton Live Clip File |
Ableton |
.all |
Cubasis Project File |
Steinberg |
.als |
Ableton Live Set File |
Ableton |
.amf |
Advanced Module File |
N/A |
.amr |
Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File |
N/A |
.ams |
Extreme Tracker Module |
N/A |
.amxd |
Ableton Max Patch File |
Ableton |
.amz |
Amazon MP3 Downloader File |
Amazon |
.aob |
DVD-Audio Audio Object File |
N/A |
.apf |
Sony Ericsson Firmware Acoustics File |
Sony Ericsson |
.aria |
Chipsounds Sound File |
Plogue |
.ariax |
Chipsounds XML Sound File |
Plogue |
.asd |
Ableton Live Sample Analysis File |
Ableton |
.ase |
Velvet Studio Sample |
N/A |
.at3 |
ATRAC3 Audio File |
Sony |
.atrac |
Sony ATRAC Audio File |
Sony |
.au |
Audio File |
N/A |
.aud |
Video Game Compressed Audio File |
N/A |
.aup |
Audacity Project File |
Audacity |
.avastsounds |
Avast! Soundpack File |
AVAST Software |
.avr |
Audio Visual Research File |
N/A |
.awb |
AMR-WB Audio File |
N/A |
.ay |
AY Chiptune File |
N/A |
.b4s |
Winamp Playlist File |
Nullsoft |
.band |
GarageBand Project File |
Apple |
.bap |
Blaze Audio Wave Information File |
Blaze Audio |
.bcs |
Sonic Foundry Batch Converter Script |
Sony |
.bdd |
CARA Sound Radiation Data File |
.bidule |
Bidule Layout File |
Plogue |
.bnk |
Adlib Instrument Bank |
Adlib |
.bonk |
Bonk Audio File |
Bonk |
.box |
CARA Loudspeaker Design File |
.brstm |
BRSTM Audio Stream File |
N/A |
.bun |
Cakewalk Bundle File |
Roland |
.bwf |
Broadcast Wave File |
N/A |
.bwg |
BrainWave Generator Audio File |
Noromaa Solutions |
.bww |
Bagpipe Player File |
Doug Wickstrom |
.c01 |
Typhoon Wave Audio File |
N/A |
.caf |
Core Audio File |
Apple |
.caff |
Core Audio File |
Apple |
.cda |
CD Audio Track Shortcut |
N/A |
.cdda |
CD Digital Audio File |
N/A |
.cdlx |
Audition CD Layout File |
Adobe Systems |
.cdo |
Crescendo Music Notation File |
NCH Software |
.cdr |
Raw Audio CD Data |
N/A |
.cel |
Audition Loop |
Adobe Systems |
.cfa |
Adobe Conformed Audio File |
Adobe Systems |
.cfxr |
Cocoa Sfxr File |
cfxr |
.cgrp |
Pro Tools Clip Group File |
Avid Technology |
.cidb |
iTunes CD Information File |
Apple |
.ckb |
Cricket Audio Bank File |
Cricket Technology |
.ckf |
Casio Keyboard File |
Casio |
.cmf |
Creative Music Format |
Creative Labs |
.conform |
Conformalizer Change List File |
Maggot Software |
.copy |
Sony Ericsson Protected Content File |
N/A |
.cpr |
Cubase Project |
Steinberg Media Technologies |
.cpt |
DTS Compact Audio File |
.csh |
Cubase Waveform File |
Steinberg Media Technologies |
.cts |
CrazyTalk Script File |
Reallusion |
.cwb |
Cakewalk Bundle |
Cakewalk |
.cwp |
Cakewalk SONAR Project |
Cakewalk |
.d00 |
OPL2 FM Audio File |
N/A |
.d01 |
OPL2 FM Audio File |
N/A |
.dcf |
DRM Content Format File |
Sony Ericsson |
.dcm |
DCM Audio Module |
N/A |
.dct |
Dictation Audio File |
NCH Software |
.ddt |
Jill of the Jungle Music File |
Epic Games |
.dewf |
SoundEdit Recorded Instrument |
N/A |
.df2 |
Defractor 2 Instrument |
N/A |
.dfc |
Defractor Instrument |
N/A |
.dff |
DSD Audio File |
Sony and Philips |
.dig |
Digilink Audio File |
N/A |
.djr |
Ringtone Media Studio DJ Ringtone Project |
Avanquest Software |
.dls |
Downloadable Sounds File |
N/A |
.dm |
DRM Delivery Message |
Sony Ericsson |
.dmc |
DPCM Sample File |
N/A |
.dmf |
Delusion Digital Music File |
XTracker |
.dmsa |
Music Disc Creator Project File |
Sonic Solutions |
.dmse |
Sound Editor Project File |
Sonic Solutions |
.dra |
Nuance Dragon Voice Recording File |
Nuance Communications |
.drg |
I-Doser Audio Drug File |
I-Doser Labs |
.ds |
LMMS DrumSynth File |
.ds2 |
Olympus DSS Pro Audio File |
Olympus |
.dsf |
Delusion Digital Sound File |
N/A |
.dsm |
Digital Sound Module |
N/A |
.dsp |
Dynamic Studio Professional Module |
N/A |
.dss |
Digital Speech Standard File |
International Voice Association |
.dtm |
DigiTrakker Module |
N/A |
.dts |
DTS Encoded Audio File |
N/A |
.dtshd |
DTS-HD Master Audio File |
.dvf |
Sony Digital Voice File |
Sony |
.dw |
David Whittaker Audio File |
N/A |
.dwa |
Digital Waveform Archiver Audio File |
DWA coder |
.dwd |
DiamondWare Digital Audio File |
N/A |
.ear |
Eyemail Audio Recording |
Eyemail Technology |
.efa |
Ensoniq ASR File |
N/A |
.efe |
Ensoniq EPS File |
E-Mu |
.efk |
Ensoniq KT File |
N/A |
.efq |
Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS-32 File |
N/A |
.efs |
Ensoniq SQ-80 File |
N/A |
.efv |
Ensoniq VFX-SD File |
N/A |
.emd |
ABT Extended Module |
N/A |
.emp |
eMusic Music Download File |
eMusic.com |
.emx |
eMusic Download File |
eMusic.com |
.emy |
eMelody Ringtone File |
Sony Ericsson |
.esps |
ESPS Sampled Data File |
N/A |
.evr |
Enhanced Variable Rate Audio File |
Qualcomm |
.expressionmap |
Cubase Expression Map File |
Steinberg Media Technologies |
.f2r |
Farandoyle Linear Module File |
N/A |
.f32 |
Raw 32-Bit Audio File |
N/A |
.f3r |
Farandoyle Blocked Module File |
N/A |
.f4a |
Adobe Flash Protected Audio File |
Adobe Systems |
.f64 |
Raw 64-Bit Audio File |
N/A |
.far |
Farandole Composer Module |
N/A |
.fda |
Dawn of War Audio File |
Relic Entertainment |
.fdp |
FMOD Project File |
Firelight Technologies |
.fev |
FMOD Audio Events File |
Firelight Technologies |
.fff |
Gravis UltraSound Sound Bank |
N/A |
.flac |
Free Lossless Audio Codec File |
N/A |
.flp |
FruityLoops Project |
N/A |
.fls |
Flash Lite Sound Bundle |
Adobe Systems |
.frg |
Sony Sound Forge Pro Project File |
Sony |
.fsb |
FMOD Sample Bank File |
Firelight Technologies |
.fsm |
Farandole Composer WaveSample File |
N/A |
.ftm |
FamiTracker Module |
N/A |
.fzb |
Casio FZ-1 Bank Dump |
N/A |
.fzf |
Casio FZ-1 Full Dump |
N/A |
.fzv |
Casio FZ-1 Voice Dump |
N/A |
.g721 |
G.721 Audio File |
N/A |
.g723 |
G.723 Audio File |
N/A |
.g726 |
G.726 Audio File |
N/A |
.gbproj |
GarageBand Project |
Apple |
.gbs |
GameBoy Sound File |
N/A |
.gig |
Tascam GigaSampler File |
Tascam |
.gio |
Adagio Score |
N/A |
.gm |
Transport Tycoon Music File |
Microprose Software |
.gp5 |
Guitar Pro 5 Tablature File |
Arobas Music |
.gpbank |
Guitar Pro Sound Bank File |
Arobas Music |
.gpk |
WaveLab Audio Peak File |
Steinberg |
.gpx |
Guitar Pro 6 Document |
Arobas Music |
.gro |
Allegro MIDI File |
N/A |
.groove |
ACID Groove File |
Sony |
.gsm |
Global System for Mobile Audio File |
N/A |
.h0 |
Movie Edit Pro Waveform Information File |
.hdp |
MAGIX Hard Disk Project Audio File |
.hma |
Sony HI-MD Audio File |
Sony |
.hmi |
HMI Audio File |
Human Machine Interfaces |
.hsb |
HALion Sound Bank File |
Steinberg Media Technologies |
.iaa |
INTUS Audio Archive |
PCS Systemtechnik |
.ics |
IC Recorder Sound File |
Sony |
.iff |
Interchange File Format |
Electronic Arts |
.igp |
Igor Published Music Notation File |
NoteHeads |
.igr |
Igor Engraver File |
NoteHeads |
.imf |
Id Music File |
id Software |
.imp |
Audition Impulse File |
Adobe Systems |
.ins |
Adlib Tracker Instrument File |
Adlib |
.isma |
IIS Smooth Streaming Audio File |
Microsoft |
.it |
Impulse Tracker Module |
N/A |
.iti |
Impulse Tracker Instrument |
N/A |
.itls |
iTunes Live Stream URL |
Apple |
.its |
Impulse Tracker Sample |
N/A |
.jam |
JAM Musical Score |
Pyva.net |
.jo |
jo Audio File |
Abadie-jo |
.jo-7z |
jo Audio File |
Abadie-jo |
.k25 |
Kurzweil K2500 File |
N/A |
.k26 |
Kurzweil K2600 File |
N/A |
.kar |
Karaoke MIDI File |
N/A |
.kfn |
KaraFun Karaoke File |
Recisio |
.kin |
Kinetic Music Project |
Cakewalk |
.kit |
Battery Drum Kit File |
Native Instruments |
.kmp |
Korg Trinity/Triton Keymap File |
Korg |
.koz |
Audiokoz Music File |
Audiokoz |
.kpl |
Kazaa Playlist File |
Brilliant Digital Entertainment |
.krz |
Kurzweil K2000 File |
N/A |
.ksc |
Korg Trinity/Triton Script File |
Korg |
.ksf |
Korg Trinity/Triton Sample File |
Korg |
.ksm |
Ken Silverman Music File |
Ken Silverman |
.kt2 |
Battery 2 Drum Kit File |
Native Instruments |
.kt3 |
Battery 3 Drum Kit File |
Native Instruments |
.ktp |
Kinetic Project Template |
Cakewalk |
.l |
Left Audio Channel File |
N/A |
.la |
Lossless Audio File |
La |
.lof |
Audacity File List |
Audacity |
.logic |
Logic Pro Project File |
Apple |
.lqt |
Liquid Audio File |
Liquid Digital Media |
.lso |
Logic Audio Project |
Apple |
.lvp |
Avaya Voice Player Audio File |
Avaya |
.lwv |
Linguistically Enhanced Sound File |
Microsoft |
.m1a |
MPEG-1 Audio File |
N/A |
.m3u |
Media Playlist File |
Nullsoft |
.m3u8 |
UTF-8 M3U Playlist File |
N/A |
.m4a |
MPEG-4 Audio File |
Apple |
.m4b |
MPEG-4 Audio Book File |
Apple |
.m4p |
iTunes Music Store Audio File |
Apple |
.m4r |
iPhone Ringtone File |
Apple |
.ma1 |
Monarch Audio File |
Monarch |
.mbr |
Zune Smooth Streaming File |
Microsoft |
.mdc |
MidiCo Karaoke Audio File |
.mdl |
DigiTrakker Module |
N/A |
.med |
Amiga MED Sound File |
RBF Software |
.mgv |
Yamaha MegaVoice File |
Yamaha |
.mid |
MIDI File |
N/A |
.midi |
MIDI File |
N/A |
.mini2sf |
Nintendo DS Sound Information File |
N/A |
.minincsf |
NCSF Nintendo DS Audio File |
Naram Qashat |
.minipsf |
Miniature PlayStation Sound Format File |
N/A |
.minipsf2 |
Miniature PlayStation Sound Format File |
N/A |
.miniusf |
Nintendo 64 Song File |
N/A |
.mka |
Matroska Audio File |
Matroska |
.mlp |
Meridian Lossless Packing Audio File |
Meridian Audio |
.mmf |
Synthetic Music Mobile Application File |
Yamaha |
.mmm |
Music Maker Arrangement File |
.mmp |
MixMeister Playlist |
N/A |
.mo3 |
MO3 Audio File |
Un4seen Developments |
.mod |
Amiga Music Module File |
N/A |
.mogg |
Multitrack Ogg File |
N/A |
.mp1 |
MPEG-1 Layer 1 Audio File |
N/A |
.mp2 |
MPEG Layer II Compressed Audio File |
Moving Picture Experts Group |
.mp3 |
MP3 Audio File |
Moving Picture Experts Group |
.mpa |
MPEG-2 Audio File |
N/A |
.mpc |
Musepack Compressed Audio File |
Musepack |
.mpdp |
MixPad Project File |
NCH Software |
.mpga |
MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio File |
N/A |
.mpu |
MPEG Layer 3 Audio File |
N/A |
.mp_ |
Mobile Phone Sound File |
N/A |
.mscx |
MuseScore Music Score File |
The MuseScore Team |
.mscz |
MuseScore Compressed Score File |
The MuseScore Team |
.msv |
Memory Stick Voice File |
Sony |
.mt2 |
MadTracker 2 Module |
MadTracker |
.mt9 |
MT9 Audio File |
.mte |
MadTracker 2 Envelope |
N/A |
.mtf |
Multi Tracker File |
Song Galaxy |
.mti |
MadTracker Instrument |
N/A |
.mtm |
MultiTracker Module |
N/A |
.mtp |
MadTracker 2 Pattern |
N/A |
.mts |
MadTracker 2 Sample File |
MadTracker |
.mu3 |
Myriad Packed Musical Score |
Myriad Software |
.mui |
Myriad Instrument File |
Myriad Software |
.mus |
Finale Notation File Format |
MakeMusic |
.musa |
Aleph One Music File |
Bungie Studios |
.mux |
Trackmania Music File |
Ubisoft Entertainment |
.muz |
MUZ Audio File |
Hover |
.mwand |
GarageBand MagicMentor Template |
Apple |
.mws |
MWave DSP Synth Instrument Extract |
N/A |
.mx3 |
Mixcraft 3 Audio Project |
Acoustica |
.mx4 |
Mixcraft 4 Audio Project |
Acoustica |
.mx5 |
Mixcraft 5 Audio Project |
Acoustica |
.mx5template |
Mixcraft 5 Audio Project Template |
Acoustica |
.mxl |
Compressed MusicXML File |
The MuseScore Team |
.mxmf |
Mobile XMF Ringtone File |
MIDI Manufacturers Association |
.myr |
Myriad Music File |
Myriad Software |
.mzp |
Mozart Percussion File |
David Webber |
.nap |
Napster Secured Music File |
Napster |
.nbs |
Minecraft Note Block Studio File |
David Norgren |
.ncw |
Native Compressed Wave File |
Native Instruments |
.nkb |
Kontakt Audio Bank |
Native Instruments |
.nkc |
Kontakt Library Data File |
Native Instruments |
.nki |
KONTAKT Instrument File |
Native Instruments |
.nkm |
Kontakt Multi Instrument File |
Native Instruments |
.nks |
Kontakt Monolith Container |
Native Instruments |
.nkx |
Kontakt Monolith Container File |
Native Instruments |
.nml |
Traktor Collection File |
Native Instruments |
.note |
Notessimo Composition |
Failsafe Games |
.npl |
Cubase Library File |
Steinberg Media Technologies |
.nra |
Nero Audio Compilation |
Nero |
.nrt |
Nokia Ringtone |
Nokia |
.nsa |
Nullsoft Streaming Audio File |
Nullsoft |
.nsf |
NES Sound Format File |
N/A |
.nst |
NoiseTracker Module |
N/A |
.ntn |
NOTION Song File |
N/A |
.nvf |
Creative Labs NVF Audio File |
Creative Labs |
.nwc |
NoteWorthy Composer File |
NoteWorthy |
.obw |
Superior Drummer Sounds File |
Toontrack |
.odm |
OverDrive Media File |
OverDrive |
.ofr |
OptimFROG Audio File |
OptimFROG |
.oga |
Ogg Vorbis Audio File |
Xiph.Org |
.ogg |
Ogg Vorbis Audio File |
Xiph.Org |
.okt |
Oktalyzer Module |
N/A |
.oma |
Sony OpenMG Music File |
Sony |
.omf |
Open Media Framework File |
Avid Technology |
.omg |
OpenMG Audio File |
Sony |
.omx |
OtsAV Media Library Information File |
Ots Labs |
.opus |
Opus Audio File |
Xiph.Org |
.orc |
Voyetra Digital Orchestrator File |
Voyetra |
.ots |
OtsAV Album File |
Ots Labs |
.ove |
Overture Musical Score |
GenieSoft |
.ovw |
Logic Pro Overview File |
Apple |
.pac |
SBStudio II Song File |
SonicSpot |
.pandora |
Pandora Android App Executable |
N/A |
.pat |
Gravis UltraSound GF1 Patch File |
N/A |
.pbf |
Pinnacle Sample Bank |
N/A |
.pca |
Perfect Clarity Audio File |
Sony |
.pcast |
iTunes Podcast File |
Apple |
.pcg |
Korg Instrument Bank File |
Korg |
.pcm |
Pulse Code Modulation |
N/A |
.pd |
Spore Audio Playback File |
Electronic Arts |
.peak |
Steinberg Peak File |
Steinberg |
.pek |
Adobe Peak Waveform File |
Adobe Systems |
.pho |
MBROLA Phonetic Data File |
The MBROLA Project |
.phy |
PhyMod Physical Modeling Data |
N/A |
.pk |
Audition Peak File |
Adobe Systems |
.pkf |
Audition Peak File |
Adobe |
.pla |
Sansa Playlist File |
SanDisk |
.pls |
Audio Playlist |
N/A |
.plst |
SmartMusic Playlist |
MakeMusic |
.ply |
Finale Playback File |
MakeMusic |
.pna |
PhatNoise Audio File |
PhatNoise |
.pno |
Windows 8 Piano Song |
Microsoft |
.ppc |
Adobe Presenter Audio File |
Adobe Systems |
.ppcx |
Adobe Presenter Presentation Audio File |
Adobe Systems |
.prg |
WAVmaker Patch File |
Polyhedric Software |
.psf |
Portable Sound File |
N/A |
.psf1 |
PlayStation Sound Format File |
N/A |
.psf2 |
PlayStation Sound Format File |
N/A |
.psm |
Protracker Studio Module |
N/A |
.psy |
Psycle Song File |
.ptcop |
PxTone Audio File |
Pixel |
.ptf |
Pro Tools 7 Session File |
Avid Technology |
.ptm |
PolyTracker Module |
N/A |
.pts |
Pro Tools Session |
Avid Technology |
.ptx |
Pro Tools 10 Session File |
Avid Technology |
.pvc |
Panasonic VM1 Voice File |
Panasonic |
.q1 |
Winamp Equalizer Presets File |
Nullsoft |
.q2 |
Winamp Equalizer Auto-Load Presets File |
Nullsoft |
.qcp |
PureVoice Audio File |
.r |
Right Audio Channel File |
N/A |
.r1m |
RealOne Streaming Media File |
RealNetworks |
.ra |
Real Audio File |
RealNetworks |
.rad |
Reality Adlib Tracker Module |
Reality |
.ram |
Real Audio Metadata File |
RealNetworks |
.raw |
Raw Audio Data |
N/A |
.rax |
Real Music Store Audio File |
RealNetworks |
.rbs |
Rebirth Song File |
Propellerhead Software |
.rcy |
ReCycle 1.x Document |
Propellerhead Software |
.record |
GarageBand Records Audio File |
DaveTech |
.rex |
ReCycle Loop File |
Propellerhead Software |
.rfl |
Reason ReFill Sound Bank |
Propellerhead Software |
.rgrp |
Pro Tools Region Group File |
Avid Technology |
.rmf |
Rich Music Format Audio File |
Beatnik |
.rmi |
N/A |
.rmj |
Real Media Jukebox Audio File |
RealNetworks |
.rmm |
RAM Meta File |
RealNetworks |
.rmx |
RealJukebox Format |
RealNetworks |
.rng |
Nokia Composer Ringtone |
N/A |
.rns |
Reason Song File |
Propellerhead Software |
.rol |
Ad Lib Synthesized Instrument |
N/A |
.rsn |
Reason Project File |
Propellerhead |
.rso |
NXT Brick Audio File |
.rta |
TrueRTA Project File |
True Audio |
.rti |
Real Tracker Instrument |
N/A |
.rtm |
Real Tracker Module |
N/A |
.rts |
Real Tracker Sample |
N/A |
.rvx |
Real Protected Video File |
RealNetworks |
.rx2 |
REX2 Audio File |
Propellerhead Software |
.s3i |
Scream Tracker 3 Instrument |
N/A |
.s3m |
ScreamTracker 3 Module |
Future Crew |
.s3z |
Compressed Scream Tracker 3 Module |
Future Crew |
.saf |
Secure Audio File |
N/A |
.sam |
MOD Edit Sample File |
N/A |
.sap |
Atari SAP Music File |
Atari |
.sb |
Signed Byte Audio File |
N/A |
.sbg |
SBaGen Binaural Beat File |
Jim Peters |
.sbi |
Sound Blaster Instrument |
N/A |
.sbk |
E-MU SoundFont Sound Bank |
E-MU Systems |
.sc2 |
Sample Cell II Instrument Definition |
N/A |
.scs11 |
Show Cue System Cue File |
Show Cue Systems |
.sd |
Sound Designer Audio File |
N/A |
.sd2 |
Sound Designer II File |
Avid Technology |
.sd2f |
Sound Designer 2 File |
Avid Technology |
.sdat |
Nintendo DS Sound Data File |
Nintendo |
.sdii |
Sound Designer 2 Audio File |
Avid Technology |
.sds |
MIDI Sample Dump Standard File |
N/A |
.sdt |
Electronic Arts Sound Data File |
Electronic Arts |
.sdx |
Sample MIDI Dump Exchange |
N/A |
.seg |
Eragon Audio File |
Sierra Entertainment |
.seq |
PowerTracks Pro Audio Project File |
PG Music |
.ses |
Audition Session File |
Adobe Systems |
.sesx |
Adobe Audition Session File |
Adobe Systems |
.sf |
IRCAM Sound File |
N/A |
.sf2 |
SoundFont 2 Sound Bank |
E-mu Systems |
.sfap0 |
Sound Forge Audio Proxy File |
Sony |
.sfk |
Sound Forge Audio Peak File |
Sony |
.sfl |
Sound Forge Sound Data File |
Sony |
.sfpack |
Packed SoundFont File |
N/A |
.sfs |
SFX Sample File |
sfxr |
.sgp |
MP3 Audio Mixer Sound Group Project |
Acoustica |
.shn |
Shorten Compressed Audio File |
Shorten |
.sib |
Sibelius Score |
Sibelius |
.sid |
SID Audio File |
N/A |
.slp |
SpectraLayers Pro Project |
Sony |
.slx |
SpectraLayers Pro Project |
Sony |
.sma |
SmartMusic Accompaniment File |
MakeMusic |
.smf |
Standard MIDI File |
N/A |
.smp |
SmartMusic Performance File |
MakeMusic |
.snd |
Sound File |
N/A |
.sng |
MIDI Song File |
N/A |
.sns |
SNS Video Game Audio File |
N/A |
.snsf |
Super NES Sound Format File |
CaitSith2 |
.sou |
SBStudio II Sound File |
N/A |
.sph |
NIST SPHERE Audio File |
.sppack |
SPPack Sound Sample |
N/A |
.sprg |
Synclavier Program File |
Synclavier Digital |
.spx |
Ogg Vorbis Speex File |
Xiph.Org |
.sseq |
Nintendo DS Sound File |
Nintendo |
.ssnd |
Synclavier Sound File |
Synclavier Digital |
.stap |
Soundtrack Pro Audio Project File |
Apple |
.stm |
Scream Tracker 2 Module |
N/A |
.stx |
Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit File |
N/A |
.sty |
Band-in-a-Box Styles File |
PG Music |
.svd |
Roland Patch File |
Roland |
.svx |
8SVX Sound File |
N/A |
.sw |
Signed Word Audio File |
N/A |
.swa |
Shockwave Audio |
Adobe Systems |
.swav |
Nintendo DS Audio File |
N/A |
.sxt |
Propellerhead Reason NN-XT Patch File |
Propellerhead Software |
.syh |
Synchomatic Instrument |
N/A |
.syn |
SimSynth Document |
David Billen |
.syw |
Yamaha SY99/SY85 Audio File |
N/A |
.syx |
MIDI System Exclusive Message |
N/A |
.tak |
Music Maker Take File |
.td0 |
Akai Teledisk Sound Library |
N/A |
.tfmx |
Final Music System Tracker Module |
N/A |
.tg |
TuxGuitar Document |
TuxGuitar |
.thx |
Amiga THX Tracker Music File |
N/A |
.tm2 |
Theta Music Composer 2.x Audio File |
Theta Music Composer |
.tm8 |
Theta Music Composer 1.x Audio File |
Theta Music Composer |
.tmc |
Theta Music Composer 1.x Audio File |
Theta Music Composer |
.toc |
PSP Audio File |
N/A |
.trak |
Traktor Content Pack File |
Native Instruments |
.tsp |
TrueSpeech Audio File |
DSP Group |
.tta |
True Audio File |
True Audio Software |
.tun |
LEGO Racers Audio File |
High Voltage Software |
.txw |
Yamaha TX16W Audio File |
N/A |
.u |
AU Audio File |
N/A |
.u8 |
3D Lemmings Audio File |
Clockwork Games |
.uax |
Unreal Audio Package |
Epic Games |
.ub |
Unsigned Byte Audio File |
N/A |
.ulaw |
Raw u-Law Audio File |
N/A |
.ult |
UltraTracker Module |
N/A |
.ulw |
u-Law Audio File |
N/A |
.uni |
MikMod UniMOD Module |
N/A |
.usf |
Nintendo 64 Music File |
N/A |
.usflib |
Nintendo 64 Song Library |
N/A |
.ust |
UTAU Sequence Text File |
.uw |
Unsigned Word Audio File |
N/A |
.uwf |
UltraTracker Wave File |
N/A |
.v2m |
V2 Synthesizer Audio File |
Farbrausch |
.vag |
PlayStation Compressed Sound File |
Sony |
.val |
Olympus Voice Recording |
N/A |
.vap |
Dialogic Indexed Voice Audio File |
Dialogic |
.vb |
Grand Theft Auto Audio File |
Rockstar Games |
.vc3 |
VSampler Soundbank File |
MAZ Sound Tools |
.vdj |
VirtualDJ Audio Sample File |
Atomix Productions |
.vgm |
Video Game Music File |
N/A |
.vgz |
Video Game Music Compressed File |
N/A |
.vlc |
VLC Playlist |
VideoLAN |
.vmd |
Covox Raw Sample |
N/A |
.vmf |
Vocaltec Media File |
N/A |
.vmo |
Siemens Voice Memo File |
Siemens |
.voc |
Creative Labs Audio File |
Creative Labs |
.voi |
Voyetra Voice File |
Voyetra |
.vox |
Dialogic Voice Audio File |
Dialogic |
.voxal |
Voxal Project File |
NCH Software |
.vpl |
Karaoke Player Playlist |
vanBasco |
.vpm |
Garmin Voice File |
Garmin |
.vqf |
TwinVQ Audio File |
Yamaha |
.vrf |
Ventrilo Audio Recording |
N/A |
.vsq |
VOCALOID2 Project File |
.vtx |
VTX Chiptune File |
N/A |
.vyf |
Samsung Digital Voice Recorder File |
Samsung |
.w01 |
Yamaha SY Series Wave File |
N/A |
.w64 |
Sony Wave64 Audio File |
Sony |
.wand |
GarageBand Magic Template |
Apple |
.wav |
WAVE Audio File |
Microsoft |
.wave |
WAVE Sound File |
N/A |
.wax |
Windows Media Audio Redirect |
Microsoft |
.wem |
Wwise Encoded Media File |
Audiokinetic |
.wfb |
WaveFront Sound Bank |
N/A |
.wfd |
WaveFront Drum Kit File |
N/A |
.wfm |
Pro Tools Wave Cache File |
Avid Technology |
.wfp |
WaveFront Program File |
N/A |
.wma |
Windows Media Audio File |
Microsoft |
.wow |
Grave Composer Music Module |
N/A |
.wpk |
Nero Wave Editor File |
Nero |
.wpp |
WavePad Project File |
NCH Software |
.wproj |
Wwise Project File |
Audiokinetic |
.wrk |
Cakewalk Music Project |
Cakewalk |
.wtpl |
WireTap Studio Library |
Ambrosia Software |
.wtpt |
WireTap Studio Packaged Track |
Ambrosia Software |
.wus |
WUTG Tagged Audio File |
WUSSoft |
.wut |
WUTG Tag File |
N/A |
.wv |
WavPack Audio File |
WavPack |
.wvc |
WavPack Correction File |
WavPack |
.wve |
WaveEditor Project File |
CyberLink |
.wwu |
Wwise Work Unit |
Audiokinetic |
.wyz |
WYZTracker File |
N/A |
.xa |
The Sims Audio File |
Electronic Arts |
.xfs |
eRacer Sound File |
eRacer |
.xi |
Fasttracker 2 Extended Instrument File |
N/A |
.xm |
Fasttracker 2 Extended Module |
Fasttracker |
.xmf |
Extensible Music File |
N/A |
.xmi |
Extended MIDI File |
N/A |
.xmz |
FastTracker 2 Extended Module |
Starbreeze Studios |
.xp |
Fastracker 2 Pattern |
Starbreeze Studios |
.xrns |
Renoise Song File |
Renoise |
.xsb |
XACT Sound Bank |
Microsoft |
.xsp |
XBMC Smart Playlist File |
.xspf |
XSPF Playlist File |
N/A |
.xt |
Fastracker 2 Track |
Starbreeze Studios |
.xwb |
XACT Wave Bank |
Microsoft |
.ym |
Atari ST Audio File |
Atari |
.yookoo |
Yookoo Player Playlist File |
Penguin George |
.zpa |
Vielklang Audio Metadata File |
zplane |
.zpl |
Zune Playlist |
Microsoft |
.zvd |
ZyXEL Voice File |
N/A |
.zvr |
SAFA Media Audio File |
SAFA Media |