امتداد الملف |
وصف الملف |
المنتج |
.0 |
Shared Library Link File |
N/A |
.000 |
Indexing Service Data File |
Microsoft |
.2fs |
Puppy Linux Save State File |
Puppy Linux |
.386 |
Windows Virtual Device Driver |
Microsoft |
.3fs |
Puppy Linux Save State File |
Puppy Linux |
.73u |
TI-73 Explorer Operating System File |
Texas Instruments |
.8xu |
TI-83 Plus Operating System File |
Texas Instruments |
.adm |
Administrative Template File |
N/A |
.adml |
Group Policy Language-Specific Administrative Template |
Microsoft |
.admx |
Group Policy Administrative Template File |
Microsoft |
.adv |
Audio Driver File |
N/A |
.aml |
ACPI Machine Language File |
The ACPICA Project |
.ani |
Windows Animated Cursor |
Microsoft |
.ann |
Help Annotations |
N/A |
.aos |
ARCHOS PCtablet Firmware File |
.asec |
Android Secure Application File |
Google |
.atahd |
ATA Hard Drive Flag File |
Puppy Linux |
.automaticdestinations-ms |
Windows Jump List File |
Microsoft |
.bashrc |
Bash Non-Interactive Login Shell File |
The GNU Project |
.bash_history |
Bash History File |
The GNU Project |
.bash_profile |
Bash Interactive Login Shell File |
The GNU Project |
.bcd |
Windows Boot Configuration Data File |
Microsoft |
.bin |
Router Firmware File |
N/A |
.bio |
BIOS File |
N/A |
.bk1 |
Windows Indexing Service File |
Microsoft |
.bk2 |
Windows Indexing Service Data File |
Microsoft |
.blf |
CLFS Base Log File |
Microsoft |
.bmk |
Help Bookmarks |
Microsoft |
.bom |
Mac OS X Bill of Materials File |
Apple |
.bud |
Binary Printer Description File |
Microsoft |
.c32 |
Syslinux COM32 Module |
Syslinux |
.cab |
Windows Cabinet File |
Microsoft |
.cat |
Windows Catalog File |
Microsoft |
.cdmp |
WCS Device Model Profile |
Microsoft |
.cgz |
Linux Drivers Archive |
N/A |
.chg |
Windows Net Logon File |
Microsoft |
.chk |
Netgear Router Firmware File |
Netgear |
.chs |
Windows Chinese Noise-Word List File |
Microsoft |
.cht |
Windows Chinese Traditional Noise-Word List File |
Microsoft |
.ci |
Windows Content Indexer Catalog File |
Microsoft |
.clb |
COM+ Catalog File |
Microsoft |
.cnt |
Help Contents File |
Microsoft |
.configprofile |
Apple Configuration Profile |
Apple |
.cpi |
Codepage Information File |
Microsoft |
.cpl |
Windows Control Panel Item |
Microsoft |
.cpq |
Compaq OEM Disc Configuration File |
Compaq |
.cpr |
Windows Phone Display Settings File |
Microsoft |
.crash |
Mac OS X Crash Log File |
Apple |
.cur |
Windows Cursor |
N/A |
.dat |
Windows Registry Hive File |
Microsoft |
.desklink |
Desktop Shortcut |
N/A |
.deskthemepack |
Windows 8 Desktop Theme Pack File |
Microsoft |
.dev |
Windows Device Driver File |
N/A |
.dfu |
iOS DFU File |
Apple |
.diagcab |
Troubleshooting Pack Cabinet File |
Microsoft |
.diagcfg |
Troubleshooting Pack Configuration File |
Microsoft |
.diagpkg |
Troubleshooting Pack File |
Microsoft |
.dimax |
DiMAX Firmware Image File |
Massoth Electronics |
.dit |
Active Directory Information Tree File |
Microsoft |
.dll |
Dynamic Link Library |
Microsoft |
.dlx |
Renamed DLL File |
Microsoft |
.dmp |
Windows Memory Dump |
Microsoft |
.drpm |
Delta RPM File |
The Fedora Project |
.drv |
Device Driver |
N/A |
.dss |
DCC Active Designer File |
N/A |
.dvd |
DOS Device Driver |
N/A |
.dyc |
Xerox Printer Driver Configuration File |
Xerox |
.ebd |
Windows EBD System File |
Microsoft |
.edj |
Enlightenment Theme File |
Enlightenment.org |
.efi |
Extensible Firmware Interface File |
UEFI Forum |
.efires |
EFI Image File |
Apple |
.elf |
Executable and Linkable Format File |
Unix System Laboratories |
.emerald |
Emerald Theme |
Compiz Fusion |
.etl |
Microsoft Event Trace Log File |
Microsoft |
.evt |
Windows Event Viewer Log File |
Microsoft |
.evtx |
Windows 7 Event Log File |
Microsoft |
.ffa |
Find Fast Status File |
Microsoft |
.ffl |
Find Fast Document List |
Microsoft |
.ffo |
Find Fast Document Properties Cache |
Microsoft |
.ffx |
Microsoft Find Fast Index |
Microsoft |
.fid |
Microsoft Catalog Indexing Service File |
Microsoft |
.flg |
Puppy Linux Partition Flag File |
Puppy Linux |
.fota |
Firmware Over-the-Air File |
Google |
.fpbf |
Mac OS X Burn Folder |
Apple |
.ftg |
Full Text Group |
N/A |
.fts |
Full Text Search |
N/A |
.fx |
ReadyBoot Trace File |
Microsoft |
.gmmp |
WCS Gamut Map Model Profile |
Microsoft |
.grl |
Windows Update Status File |
Microsoft |
.group |
Windows Contacts Group File |
Microsoft |
.grp |
Windows Program Manager Group |
Microsoft |
.h1s |
Windows Assistance Platform Help File |
Microsoft |
.hdmp |
Windows Heap Dump |
Microsoft |
.help |
Mac OS X Help Book |
Apple |
.hhc |
HTML Help Table of Contents |
Microsoft |
.hhk |
HTML Help Index |
Microsoft |
.hiv |
Windows Registry Hive File |
Microsoft |
.hlp |
Windows Help File |
Microsoft |
.hpj |
Help Project File |
Microsoft |
.hsh |
Windows Catalog Search Index File |
Microsoft |
.htt |
Hypertext Template File |
Microsoft |
.icl |
Windows Icon Library File |
Microsoft |
.icns |
Mac OS X Icon Resource File |
Apple |
.ico |
Icon File |
N/A |
.iconpackage |
IconPackager Theme File |
Stardock |
.idx |
Index File |
N/A |
.ifw |
INTUS Firmware File |
PCS Systemtechnik |
.ime |
Windows Input Method Editor File |
Microsoft |
.img3 |
iPhone IMG3 File |
Apple |
.inf_loc |
Windows Driver Information Cache File |
Microsoft |
.ins |
Internet Naming Service File |
Microsoft |
.internetconnect |
Apple Internet Connect Document |
Apple |
.ion |
File Description File |
N/A |
.ioplist |
Apple |
.ipod |
Rockbox Firmware File |
Rockbox |
.iptheme |
IconPackager Raw Theme File |
Stardock |
.itemdata-ms |
Windows 8 Start Screen Item Data File |
Microsoft |
.its |
Internet Document Set |
Microsoft |
.ius |
InfoTMIC Firmware Update File |
Shanghai InfoTM Microelectronics |
.job |
Windows Task Scheduler Job File |
Microsoft |
.jpn |
Windows Japanese Noise-Word List File |
Microsoft |
.kbd |
Keyboard Layout Script |
N/A |
.kext |
Mac OS X Kernel Extension |
N/A |
.key |
Security Key |
N/A |
.ko |
Linux Kernel Module File |
N/A |
.kor |
Windows Korean Noise-Words List File |
Microsoft |
.ks |
Kickstart File |
N/A |
.lfs |
Samsung Phone params.lfs File |
Samsung |
.library-ms |
Windows Library Description File |
Microsoft |
.lnk |
Windows File Shortcut |
Microsoft |
.lockfile |
Mac OS X PLIST Lock File |
Apple |
.log1 |
Windows Registry Hive Log File |
Microsoft |
.log2 |
Windows Registry Hive Log 2 File |
Microsoft |
.lpd |
Lookout Protocol Driver File |
National Instruments |
.lst |
GRUB Boot List File |
The GNU Project |
.manifest |
Windows Application Manifest File |
Microsoft |
.mapimail |
Send To Mail Recipient |
N/A |
.mbr |
Master Boot Record File |
N/A |
.mdmp |
Windows Minidump |
Microsoft |
.me |
Puppy Linux Partition Flag File |
Puppy Linux |
.mem |
Parallels Desktop Memory Dump File |
Parallels |
.metadata_never_index |
Spotlight Never Index File |
Apple |
.mi4 |
Audio Player Firmware File |
.mlc |
Microsoft Language Interface Pack |
Microsoft |
.mobileconfig |
Apple Mobile Configuration File |
Apple |
.mod |
GRUB Module |
The GNU Project |
.msc |
Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control File |
Microsoft |
.msp |
Windows Installer Patch |
Microsoft |
.msstyle |
Windows XP Unsigned Style |
N/A |
.msstyles |
Windows XP Style |
Microsoft |
.mtz |
MIUI Theme |
.mui |
Multilingual User Interface File |
Microsoft |
.mui_cccd5ae0 |
Hid User Library |
Microsoft |
.mum |
Windows Vista Update Package |
Microsoft |
.mydocs |
Send To My Documents |
N/A |
.nb0 |
Device Boot Loader Image |
N/A |
.nbh |
ROM Update Utility Image File |
N/A |
.networkconnect |
Apple Network Connect Document |
Apple |
.nfo |
System Information File |
Microsoft |
.nls |
Microsoft National Language Support File |
Microsoft |
.nt |
Windows NT Startup File |
Microsoft |
.ntfs |
NTFS Partition File |
N/A |
.panic |
Kernel Panic File |
N/A |
.pat |
DiskStation Manager Installation File |
Synology |
.pck |
System Center Configuration Manager Package File |
Microsoft |
.pdr |
Windows Port Driver |
N/A |
.pfx |
PKCS #12 Certificate File |
N/A |
.pid |
Creative Driver File |
Creative |
.pit |
Samsung Phone Firmware File |
Samsung |
.pk2 |
Silkroad Online Game Data File |
Joymax |
.pnf |
Precompiled INF File |
N/A |
.pol |
Windows Policy File |
Microsoft |
.ppd |
PostScript Printer Description File |
Adobe Systems |
.ppm |
Post Programmable Memory File |
N/A |
.prefpane |
Mac OS X System Preference Pane |
Apple |
.prf |
Windows System File |
N/A |
.printerexport |
Windows Printer Migration File |
Microsoft |
.profile |
Bash Shell Profile |
The GNU Project |
.provisionprofile |
Apple Provision Profile |
Apple |
.prt |
Printer Driver File |
N/A |
.ps1 |
Microsoft Indexing Service Data File |
Microsoft |
.ps2 |
Microsoft Search Catalog Index File |
Microsoft |
.pwl |
Windows Password List |
Microsoft |
.qky |
Quirky Kernel |
N/A |
.qvm |
Q Virtual Machine |
Q |
.rc1 |
Samsung Mobile Device Firmware File |
Samsung |
.rc2 |
Samsung Mobile Device Firmware File |
Samsung |
.rco |
PlayStation Portable Resource File |
Sony |
.reg |
Registry File |
Microsoft |
.regtrans-ms |
Registry Transaction Log File |
Microsoft |
.rfw |
Rockchip Firmware File |
Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics |
.rmt |
Router Firmware File |
N/A |
.rs |
Windows Rating System File |
Microsoft |
.ruf |
Samsung DVD and Blu-ray Player Firmware File |
Samsung |
.savedsearch |
Spotlight Saved Search |
Apple |
.saver |
Mac OS X Screen Saver |
Apple |
.sb |
Slax Bundle |
Slax |
.sbf |
Android System File |
N/A |
.sbn |
Cisco IP Phone Firmware File |
Cisco Systems |
.scap |
EFI Firmware File |
N/A |
.scf |
Windows Explorer Command |
N/A |
.schemas |
GConf Schema Definition File |
The GNOME Project |
.scr |
Windows Screensaver |
Microsoft |
.sdb |
Custom Application Compatibility Database |
Microsoft |
.sdt |
Siemens Desktop Theme File |
Siemens |
.searchconnector-ms |
Windows Search Connector File |
Microsoft |
.sfcache |
ReadyBoost Cache File |
Microsoft |
.shd |
Windows Print Job Shadow File |
Microsoft |
.shsh |
iPhone/iPod Touch SHSH Blob File |
Apple |
.so.0 |
Unix Shared Library File |
N/A |
.spl |
Windows Print Spool File |
Microsoft |
.sqm |
Service Quality Monitoring File |
Microsoft |
.str |
Windows Screensaver File |
N/A |
.swp |
Swap File |
N/A |
.sys |
Windows System File |
Microsoft |
.tdz |
Drobo Firmware File |
Drobo |
.tha |
Windows Thai Noise-Words List File |
Microsoft |
.theme |
Microsoft Plus! Desktop Theme |
Microsoft |
.trx_dll |
Windows Startup File |
Microsoft |
.uce |
Windows UCE System File |
Microsoft |
.vga |
VGA Display Driver |
N/A |
.vgd |
Generic CADD VGA Driver |
N/A |
.vxd |
Virtual Device Driver |
N/A |
.vx_ |
Compressed Virtual Device Driver File |
Microsoft |
.wdf |
Windows Driver Foundation File |
Microsoft |
.wdgt |
Dashboard Widget |
Apple |
.webpnp |
Web Point and Print File |
Microsoft |
.wer |
Windows Error Report |
Microsoft |
.wgz |
S60 Web Runtime Widget Package |
Nokia |
.wph |
Phoenix BIOS File |
N/A |
.wpx |
Printer Description File |
Microsoft |
.xrm-ms |
Microsoft Security Certificate |
Microsoft |
.zone.identifier |
Windows Zone Identifier File |
Microsoft |